So you want to be different
That desire led you to choose purple as the color you want your hair. All is not golden when you use purple hair dye as it will fade on you and you will look different. We are not saying it will be a glamorous look but you will have achieved a unique look with that faded hair color.
Before you take the plunge and turn your hair to a purple color, get all the facts first by reading our article. It will only take a few minutes to get the information you need so you can make an intelligent decision.
What Does Purple Hair Look Like When It Fades
There are two main factors involved when using purple hair dye to color your hair that color.
What color does purple hair fade to?
The shade of purple you use will influence the color of your hair when the purple dye starts to fade or leave your hair. The end result differs between people depending on their original hair color. For most light colored hair, the purple fades to a light lavender hue or pale purple.
For brown or other dark colors, you may see purple-blue ombre, blue-purple lavender, a purple pink tone or even an ashy silver. There is no constant fade result because everyone does not use the same brand of dye or the same shade of purple when coloring their hair.
You may not see these colors but see a different type of purple in your hair when it washes out.
When you seek the answer to the question 'What colors will your purple dye fade into', you may expect that the result also depends on your natural hair color. There is another factor that will determine the color of your purplish fade and that is the different undertones used in the hair dye.
For example, gray and silver undertones help make a nice violet, lilac or plum hair color but it will fade leaving you with light roots and dark purple tips. Or if you bleach your hair prior to dyeing, your hair color fade should end up gray or silver.
Some purple hair dyes will turn blond hair green when it fades or if you use fuschia on darker colors you may see a bluish tint to your hair after only a few washes. There is not going to be a consistent result that you can count on when you decide to alter your hair color.
Does Purple Hair Color Fade Fast?
The simple and short answer is yes it does.
Usually, dyes using bright hair colors are not permanent and your hair shafts do not absorb enough dye to keep that look for any real length of time.
At best, you are looking at keeping the purple dye in your hair for about 4 to 5 shampoos and then you will either have to go around with your natural hair color or re-dye your hair purple again.
One way to avoid losing that purplish color quickly is to switch to a dry shampoo. Put your regular shampoo on the shelf and give it a break from shampooing duties. A dry shampoo should keep the purple in longer.
Or you can use a shampoo and conditioner that is designed to clean dyed hair. Regular shampoos strip the color when you wash your hair. The proper hair care will have you sporting that unique color that bothers your parents for some time.
Also, if you do not want to see the fade coming too soon, avoid going to the beach and stay out of the pool. Both chlorine and salt water can strip that unique hair color faster than shampooing with regular shampoo does.
Why Does Purple Hair Fade So Fast?
The reason the purple hair color washes out of your hair so quickly is because most bright hair color dyes are semi-permanent. That means that not enough dye was absorbed into your hair shafts to keep the purple dye lasting longer.
Also, the brand of dye you use will factor in here as well. Not all dyes are made with top quality ingredients so the dye will not endure any harsh treatment or hair cleaning effort.
Another reason the purple dye fades quickly is because you did not use a lot of dye to begin with. The more dye you use, the longer the color should last. Plus, if your hair was damaged prior to coloring your hair, then the amount of damage will influence the duration of your purple hair color.
One way to slow the fading process down is to wash your hair in cold water. That is right, if you can withstand the cold temperatures then you can keep your purple hair longer.
What cold water does is close the hair cuticles up making sure the purple dye remains trapped in your hair. The less color that is washed out, the more purple your hair will look.
Final Thoughts
Dyeing your hair a different color helps you re-invent yourself. A new look helps provide you with a new outlook on life. If you do not like the fade result you get, there is a quick and easy solution.
Just re-dye your hair the same color and postpone the fade for as long as you want. Or you can wash your hair in cold water and get a taste of what cold water does to your scalp.
The key is not to be afraid of what color the purple fades to as the fade may make you look distinguished and with character.